Does JTF Studio Offer Classes?
Will the Jeff Tirrell Fitness Studio offer classes? I've gotten this question from multiple people over the last few months. The short...
Will the Jeff Tirrell Fitness Studio offer classes? I've gotten this question from multiple people over the last few months. The short...
When VIP are in line with each other we tend to have more peace and happiness in our life, our decisions seem easier, choices have more...
The goal of training should be to make things easier, not harder. The popular approach for most is to constantly make things feel...
With the recent re-closure of gyms in Michigan along with many other states across the country due to the rising COVID-19 cases it’s left...
People’s reasons for joining a gym vary from person to person. The most common reasons I am told when assessing new clients included...
One of the most common things I hear when talking to people who are new to exercise (and sometimes lifelong gym members) is, “I don’t...
There are thousands of different workout programs and methods to approach becoming more fit. These range from at home workout videos, to...
October 2020 marks 22 years of being in the gym and training for me. During that time I have consistently trained in a gym setting...
When individuals enter the world of improved nutrition, health, and fitness one of the common things they will ask about are supplements....
Anyone who has spent any time thinking about improving their fitness or body composition has probably spent time thinking about specific...
The current COVID-19 pandemic has exposed a lot of things about our current culture . One of the most notable being our general disdain...
On our recent family trip to Mackinac the engineering marvel of the bridge really struck me. When faced with the dilemma of getting from...
Tackle the most critical variable if you can. Think of this as the step that makes everything else work (or not). You could think of the...
The Beginning of the End: March 16th, 2020 will likely be a date that lives on in infamy for me. Much like 9-11, my wedding day, and the...
The end of 2019 marked 20 years training in the gym for me. This passion has lasted over half of my life (61% to be precise). It marks...
Salads are often a go to meal when people try to eat healthier and for good reason. A medium to large salad can get you a ton of leafy...
Fitness/nutrition Rules are typically stupid and lack nuance. That being said here are some general guidelines that are easy to...
Is your child overweight? This is a common concern parents will address with me. Here are some things to consider. -Are you overweight?...
Most regular gym goers have been off their normal training for the last 3 months. With fitness facilities opening nationwide (hopefully...
Over the last three or four decades the idea of a fitness program or going to the gym has gone from a cultural oddity to a normative...